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F is for Fyrsturae #atozchallenge



What on earth is the Fyrsturae? They are the original group of vampires, born over 3,000 years ago. Yes, you read that right: they were born, not turned.


In Iceland, when a group of Asrai (water faeries) paired up with some Atcen (ugly, man-eating ogres) for an epic battle, they ended up falling in love instead. Thus vampires – the Fyrsturae, specifically – were born. Vampires took on the water faeries’ trait of not being able to be in the sun (the faeries would melt) and the took on the ogres’ trait of going out at night to eat people (drink their blood).

Many believed the vampires to be an abomination of nature, and when a plague swept through their families, killing the parents, it was seen as proof that they were. Many hunted them, eager to rid the earth of them. The plague served to make the vampires stronger than ever after they barely survived its grip. They were harder to kill than ever before.


The Fyrsturae ruled the supernatural world for two thousand years before they were finally all killed off. Their many descendants are the royal class, and the only ones who can rule the vampire world.

Vampires that were created from humans are called common vampires, and often with disdain by the royalty. The common vampires are clearly a lower class, and almost never have a sun blessing, allowing them to go into the sunlight.


Only one kind of wood can kill the Fyrsturae and their descendants. It’s from the rare Icelandic Populous Tremola trees which have been nearly wiped out from the homeland.


Legends and rumors abound when it comes to the Fyrsturae. The firstborn, Alrekur Vidarsson, is said to have been the most handsome and alluring vampire ever to have lived. He spent his entire life searching for love, but never found it.


The Fyrsturae’s story doesn’t end with the history books that royal vampire children read in their required studies.

Someone is going around waking them up from the dead, one by one. Several of the original vampires have ancient grudges and won’t let a thousand years get in the way of making things right. Once this group is awakened, nothing will ever be same again for anyone in the supernatural world.

Things are going to get real.

Want to read more? Check out Deception ~or~ read Fallen (the prequel) for free.

See the list of all my posts in the A to Z Challenge.

A to Z Challenge

Image by foxypar4


  1. That is very cool. I have not heard of these before. I love finding something new like this!

    Timothy S. Brannan
    The Other Side, April Blog Challenge: The A to Z of Witches

    1. When I wrote about the first vampires in my series, I wanted it to be original. When I was researching lesser known mythical creatures, the Asrai and Atcen seemed like the perfect ones to be parents.

  2. Julia Matthews says:

    This is very cool. I will have to look further into this. Love new information.

    1. Thanks. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  3. Very cool vampire clan! Hey, what’s a thousand years between friends, or enemies! 😉
    Sophie’s Thoughts & Fumbles – A to Z Ghosts
    Fantasy Boys XXX – A to Z Drabblerotic

    1. A thousand years is nothing between these guys! 🙂

  4. Stacy, you’ve provided us with an interesting post. Thanks for the education. (Also, that castle looks wonderful and all, but I’d hate to heat it and clean it!) Guess that’s what money and maids are for!!

    1. They do have a large staff on hand. 🙂 They need to with all those wings. Each of the Fyrsturae have their own.

  5. I. L. Wolf says:

    Now that’s a really cool concept (and an awesome photo, to boot).

    1. Thanks! I loved the picture too 🙂

  6. Deena Rae says:

    So amazed at your ‘world’/

    1. Thank you! 🙂 It’s fun to watch it grow.

  7. Tasha says:

    Waking them up from the dead – that sounds like it could end in tears. I’m guessing people are going to be able to find out about Alrekur Vidarsson first hand then?

    1. Most definitely. Alrekur was never one to make a quiet entrance, and that isn’t going to change anytime soon. 🙂

  8. Oh that’s a neat origin. I love seeing what everyone comes up with and their own twists!

    Happy A to Z-ing!

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